Lehrlingsausbildung bei Fehlmann AG Fehlmann AG bietet qualitativ hochstehende Lehrstellen an. Zur Zeit bilden wir insgesamt über 20 Lernende aus in den Berufen PolymechanikerIn,…
Open positions We currently have the following positions open: Are you interested? Would you like to apply for a position? Please send your application, preferably per email, to our Head of…
CNC dividing and swiveling units FEHLMANN dividing and swiveling units are perfectly tuned for versatile use on PICOMAX machines High precision dividing units are developed and produced in-house…
Company History Fehlmann AG2024 Premiere of the compact, user-friendly 5-axis machining center at the AMB in Stuttgart. The brand new PICOMAX 550 offers an economical and technologically…